I was born in the beautiful place of Hassan, which is in the southern Karnataka region of India. I graduated as a Production Engineer, but I got placed to one of the Software Company and started working.
Since childhood, I have been interested in dance, fashion shows and drama. I started my modeling career while working in parallel so that I could afford portfolio and grooming stuff. I was learning about the fashion industry and groomed myself to crack audition and took part in the Designers shows and Shoots.
At first, I felt like a fish out of water, trying to adapt to new challenges. I made a lot of mistakes, but all the experiences made me grow like never before.
I've studied, examined and managed to learn some of the best tips that the entertainment industry has to know about style, grooming and fitness.
I've had a lot of failures going through all these phases, pains I've had to go through but still learn so many things in the fashion industry that have changed my life.
I do not want other people to struggle through same and hassles out there to get to get to to the truth, to get to what really works.
That is why I want to share my tips and knowledge with you.